Advanced Writing Skills

Below is a list of Fullspate resources and other links with advice and material for people who want to know how to write gorgeous essays for advanced and proficiency level EFL exams like the ECPE.

ECPE benchmark essays from Michigan

A new grading scheme for ECPE essays came into force in 2009. Fullspate has taken the official sample essays offered by Michigan and re-edited the PDF document so that the sample essay for each level is immediately accompanied by the corresponding comment from the examiners.

Click to see the sample ECPE essays and comments.

Click to see the ECPE writing grading scheme.

About Fullspate: - Fullspate is actually one man with a PhD and a laptop who grew tired of the bland contents of EFL coursebooks, decided to write slightly more engaging stuff for his English students, and then thought it might be nice to share them online. Then subsequently packed it in.





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