

Counter-strike vocabulary check

Don't forget to put the words in the table below into the appropriate form where necessary.

















1. Intelligence agency satellites ........... all mobile phone conversations in the hope of hearing people plan the next terrorist attack. (listen to/watch with suspicion)

2. 2,000 men had been .............to death by the judge and were awaiting execution in the prison in Baghdad.

3. The only way most opposition figures in Iraq could stay alive was by leaving the country and going into .............. . (living abroad to escape a political regime)

4. After the first guilty verdict the prisoner insisted on .......... against the decision since she claimed she was really innocent.

5. The warden did not agree with the order to execute the prisoners, but he had no choice but to .......... with the command. (obey)

6. After missing the opportunity in 1991 to bring down Saddam's regime the US resorted to ................. to severely limit economic activity in the country. (measures to prohibit imports)

7. Iraqi children died from ............ after the lack of water pumps meant there was insufficient drinking water.

8. In 1998, the infant- ............rate was 103 per 1,000. (death)

9. One of the reasons for the war was that Israel felt very ............. to attack from Iraq or from groups sponsored by Iraq. (at risk)

10. The plan for the new American century was ............. by Bush as a response to the attack on the twin towers. (put into practice)

11. The US has ............... 3 billion dollars of aid for the country once the war is over. (promised)

12. Britain was an important .............. of the US when it launched the Mother of all Battles. (partner)

13. It was ............... that there is a connection between Irak and the Al Qaida terrorist group, but there is no clear proof to support this accusation. (claimed)

14. The Middle East is forecast to supply between a half and two thirds of the world's oil by 2020. It will be .......... for the Us to control as much as possible the supply of that oil. (very important)

15. The US .............. Iraq in the war between Iraq and Iran. (supported)