EFL Bliss - in lieu of a blog

This might have been a blog, but a blog demands something more frequent, and you end up with that horrible feeling of being slapped by the calendar because you haven't written anything for so long. But why write unless you really have something to say?

From time to time, though, we do actually write pieces that (usually) have a connection with EFL and the business of teaching English as a foreign language. Here is a selection.

EFL Bliss posts

Digital education
How to teach fish and other thoughts on digital education and digital media studies

The anti-teacher teacher movement
The strange phenomenon of teachers bashing the very idea of teaching while thinking that their jobs in school might remain secure. Our cry in response to this is: "Save our schools from the a

The Philosophy of EFL
The philosophy of EFL ESL and the demise of thinking about the methodology of teaching English

Oh, for the days of Socrates!
What happened to the love of learning?

A good war?
Howard Zinn on war, lies and peace

Perry or Plath: teaching teenage angst
Using Katy Perry or Sylvia Plath in the EFL/ESL classroom for teenagers

Morrissey - a song for the gamma male
Morrissey - the sound of Manchester and a song for the anti-northern boys

In search of real essays
The changing form of the English essay - the history of the essay Montaigne to Paglia

Teaching English as a Truly Foreign Language
Teaching English as a Truly Foreign Language - a reflection on the meaning of the F in TEFL and the S in TESOL

About Fullspate: - Fullspate is actually one man with a PhD and a laptop who grew tired of the bland contents of EFL coursebooks, decided to write slightly more engaging stuff for his English students, and then thought it might be nice to share them online. Then subsequently packed it in.





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