Fullspate Pre-Proficiency Primer
A free EFL course book (C1 advanced) to download
The Fullspate Primer was our first big attempt to write something less tame. It is a little rough around the edges in places, but the feedback we get is that it is welcomed by some teachers who feel that there is a place for controversy in the EFL classroom. The big publishers have a sizeable list of topics, references and words that are banned. Fullspate does not, and the Primer is no exception. It is up to the teacher to use his or her discretion to match the materials with the particular class they will be working with.
The Fullspate Primer at a glance:
- Massive: 24 units, 213 pages
- Stimulating and original texts
- An inductive approach to advanced English grammar
- Building up a solid core of truly useful advanced vocabulary
- Extensive help with writing top-class essays
- Unit tests to aid revision
- Assisting younger students get to grips with the big issues
- With an academic bias that will particularly suit students aiming for exams such as the Michigan ECPE, IELTS, Edexcel level 5 and other proficiency-level English language exams
- Unit tests also available covering grammar and vocabulary
- Available in PDF format for free download.
Note: There has been no real funding for this project so you can't expect all the trimmings. For instance, there isn't an answer key (but the questions are pretty straightforward - we don't have the examiner's fascination with laying traps for students).
Originally written for classroom use, the material is also suitable for self-study.
The course material will appeal to teachers who want to maximize the opportunities for classroom discussion, partly with a view to really boosting the active English vocabulary of the students and encouraging fluency in the English language. Every text is written so that stimulating issues are raised (a few of them ever so slightly risky). The discussion of those issues then feeds into the writing task at the end of each unit.
The book does not include listening exercises and although it is written with one eye on the future demands of exams like the ECPE and IELTS, it does not include any exam practice material.
© The material is copyright. You are free to download it and use it, but not free to redistribute it.
Click the link below to download the first quarter of the book for free.
Fullspate Primer - first quarter (1.9mb) - DOWNLOAD
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Get the rest of the book
If you like the first quarter, you can get the rest of the book by making a donation (just click the donate button in this website's footer). Before donating, you might like to send us a brief email just to check that we are still alive (torn [at] digitalcounterrevolution [dot] co [dot] uk). Send an email to the same address after donating, and we will send you the link to download the rest of the Primer.